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If you’ve got a little science wizard on your hands, sending them to a science Olympiad competition or two should definitely be on your mind.

Why Science Olympiad, you may ask? Well, science contests and competitions give students valuable opportunities to stretch their thinking and cultivate their love for the subject. If they manage to snag any of the awards, this would also firm up their portfolio, showing potential school entry officers evidence of their exceptional skills and passion for science.

In other words, it is both for the experience and the accolades. Your child only stands to gain from joining a science contest!

So, what are some science competitions in Singapore that primary school pupils can join? Below, we introduce the main science contests your little science whizz can join to challenge themselves!

Contests Open to Local School Students 

Some science competitions only accept participants through their schools. As such, you will need to register through your school if you want to compete. In some schools, there may be a nomination process to select only the most suitable students to enter the competition.

Singapore Primary Science Olympiad (SPSO)

The SPSO has been running yearly since 2009, organised by the NUS High School of Mathematics and Science. Primary 5 students are welcome to compete in the two-round competition, which comprise the Theory Round and Practical Round.

Apart from being an avenue to stir up interest in the sciences amongst primary school pupils, the SPSO is also a platform for identifying budding talents in science. Top-performing students will be invited to further take part in the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO).

***Due to the pandemic situation, the 2022 edition of SPSO will take place in one round, the Theory Round. Participants will take part from the premises of their own schools.

Organised by: NUS High School of Mathematics and Science

Eligibility criteria: Primary 5 pupils (for 2022)

2022 registration period: 21 March to 21 April 2022

2022 competition dates: 25 May 2022 (Theory round)

Raffles Science Olympiad

Organised by Raffles Institution, the Raffles Science Olympiad is one of the two Science Olympiads in Singapore hosted by a local school. While pitched at a difficulty suitable for primary 5 pupils, the contest welcomes all students who have not yet enrolled in the primary 6 level.

Organised by: Raffles Institution

Eligibility criteria: Primary 5 and below

2022 registration period: To be announced

2022 competition dates: Usually in June

Contests Open to Private Candidates

Besides the school competitions, there is one more major science competition that is also open to private sign-ups. You can enter this competition on your own, without the need to register through your school.

VANDA International Science Competition

The VANDA International Science Competition is a global Science Olympiad with test centres worldwide. A special focus of the competition is that it tests students on how well they can think critically and creatively to solve science-related problems.

In Singapore, the local version follows the Science syllabus in Singapore schools, with an emphasis on higher-order thinking skills. What this means for Singapore students is that they don’t necessarily require special training to excel in this competition.

The competition consists of 3 sections, with a possible perfect score of 70 points:

Section A: Question 1 to 5: +2 / 0 / −1 point for correct/no/wrong answer respectively

Section B: Question 6 to 10: +3 / 0 / 0 point for correct/no /wrong answer respectively

Application Question Section: Question 11 to 20: +4 points for correct answer, 0 points for wrong and no answer.

To minimise the occurrence of negative scores, all students will receive 5 bonus points.

Organised by: SIMCC

Eligibility criteria: Primary 3 to Secondary 4 students

2022 registration period: Ongoing

2022 competition dates: 25 April to 13 May (For school candidates, their school will choose a date within the window); 30 April or 1 May (For private candidates, the organisers will finalise your test date after registration)


Compared to the selection of Math Olympiad competitions in Singapore, the options for Science Olympiads in Singapore are much fewer. However, that’s no excuse for missing out on the golden opportunity to put your young one’s science knowledge and skills to the test!

And remember, competition experience isn’t complete without a proper training plan – after all, this is when you pick up the valuable skills you need to do well. Regardless of whether you’ve got a winner on your hands, these skills stay with you!

For Science and Math Olympiad training programmes and courses, enquire with us now at Future Academy for our available classes!

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